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Original gift

Paragliding tandem flight as original gift!


3. 1. 2010: Paragliding Tandem updated

Paragliding tandem v novémWe prepared for the new season as always very responsibly - we bought brand new tandem glider and harnesses, special cameras for the new DVD video in HD resolution, and you just surf a brand new website.We hope that you like it and quickly find all relevant informations, whether you are interested in a paragliding tandem, want to buy a ticket or gift package or to book your flight date.

We are looking forward to you soon in the air and on the earth! :-)

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Vaše zážitky

Vanda Mráčková

Vanda Mráčková

Mockrát děkuji za skvělý zážitek. Maximálně jsem si to užila. Čekání vůbec nevadilo, alespoň jsem stačila nabrat odvahu a taky bylo uklidňující vidět na ostatních, co mě čeká a ...
